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2020 Senior Spotlight: Trinity Moore

Andy Brown / Louisburg Sports Zone

Louisburg Sports Zone will be running senior spotlights through April and May everyday (Monday through Friday) in an efforts to honor seniors who had their seasons taken away due to the spread of COVID-19.

Trinity Moore was already having a senior year to remember.

Moore cemented herself as the most decorated cross country runner in Louisburg High School school history last fall when she finished third at the Class 4A state meet and broke her own school record in the process.

She ended her career with four state medals and later signed to run cross country and track for Pittsburg State University. Everything was falling into place.

Moore, along with the rest of the Louisburg girls soccer team, was preparing for another run at a state title after finishing the last two seasons as the Class 4-1A state runner-up. It was set up to be a season to remember and a perfect conclusion to her high school career.

“I was very much looking forward to this soccer season,” Moore said. “I’d been looking forward to it the entire school year and have been very hopeful for what it would’ve brought. To think we could’ve made it to the state championship for the third year in a row seemed so unreal, yet so achievable for our team.”

Then came the middle of March when Moore, and the rest of the Wildcats, were burdened with the news that spring sports across the state of Kansas were canceled due to the spread of COVID-19.

It was heartbreaking news for all of them, but especially for Moore and the other 11 seniors on the Wildcat team. Louisburg was supposed to take the pitch on March 17 for its season opener against Harmon, but instead, they are all forced to wonder what could have been.

“The cancellation of my senior soccer season and the other events I won’t get to have this year has been extremely difficult,” Moore said. “The first few days were the worst and I found myself crying multiple times because it felt so unreal. I got a little better after talking with teammates and friends.

“Then came the day that was supposed to be our first game. That made my heart sink, but I knew that I just needed to keep my head high. It is very heartbreaking that I won’t get to experience this season and many other things to end up my senior year at LHS.”

Even though her athletic career will continue in a different sport, soccer has always been a big part of Moore’s life and the fact it has been taken away prematurely has been tough to handle at times. Still, she is grateful for the role soccer has played in her life.

“I have been playing soccer since I was 4-years-old,” Moore said. “My parents both played in soccer in college and they put me into the sport as early as possible. Soccer is one of the most important aspects of my life. It has turned me into a determined, hardworking and strong athlete I am today. It has shown me how much hard work goes into something you love and want to exceed at.” 

Louisburg soccer has provided Moore with plenty of memories to look back on as well. Maybe none more than last year’s run to the state championship game after an exciting semifinal win against Topeka-Hayden that ended in penalty kicks.

“My favorite memory in all of high school soccer would probably be last season when we went into penalty kick’s to make it to the championship game,” Moore said. “I had to make my PK because we were tied and I had to score to get us to another round, and then Hallie Hutsell started the second round of the PK’s and scored the goal we needed to advance to the championship game. When this happened we all ran together and it was an amazing experience and created such an awesome memory.”

Senior Trinity Moore finished her Louisburg soccer career with 18 goals and eight assists over four years.

Moore played several different positions for the Wildcats over the years and was voted as a team captain for the upcoming season. She also earned first team All-Frontier League and all-state honors in 2019.

She started 43 games for the Wildcats and concluded her career with 18 goals and eight assists. She is fifth in school history with 44 points.

“Trinity was a fierce competitor and played all out each and every game and practice,” Louisburg coach Kyle Conley said. “She never took a day off and was a player who would play anywhere to help the team. She has played multiple positions at the varsity level and excelled at all of them.”

Other than soccer, Louisburg Sports Zone also had a chance to catch up with Trinity on how she has been coping with an early end to her senior year and some of her other interests. Here are her responses from the rest of our Q&A.

LSZ: What have you been missing the most during this time away from everyone?

TM: I have really been missing soccer practice and getting to spend three hours every day with the best teammates and family. Practice is such a great part of my day that makes me happy and spend with other people doing what we love. I love to train and get better at the sport so it has been hard to not have it every day. 

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LSZ: What is your most memorable moment as an athlete or in school and why?

TM: My most memorable moment in high school as an athlete is being able to go to state multiple times with such great teams. In my time on the cross country and soccer teams I have got to create such amazing memories and experiences and accomplish going to state multiple times with them!

LSZ: What is your favorite activity/hobby outside of sports and why?

TM: My favorite hobby outside of school is probably cooking. I love to make homemade meals and spend time with my family in the kitchen. I’m very passionate about it and I can use my creative and fun side when I cook. It is another way besides working out that I can relieve stress, have fun, and do something for the people I love!

LSZ: I know you are going to Pitt to run next year, but how have you been trying to stay in shape during a time like this?

TM: To stay in shape during this time I have been following a very routine running/training program as well as many home workouts. It’s time for me to start preparing to run at Pitt next year, so I’ve been doing various long runs, workouts, and even taking my dog with me when I exercise every day to make sure I stay healthy, get outside, keep in shape and have fun!

LSZ: What accomplishments that don’t involve athletics are you most proud of and why?

TM: The accomplishments I am most proud of outside of athletics are probably my service work and success in school. I love to serve others in this, as well as other communities on mission trips or doing community service. I am also very proud of how hard I work in the classroom to get honors such as a 4.0 GPA every year and things like honor roll. These require the same passion, determination and drive as sports, so I am very proud of them!

LSZ: What do you think would be something that a lot of people don’t know about you?

TM: Something a lot of people might not know about me is I love to clean all the time. People know I am very organized at school and with all my work, but when I get home I spend hours cleaning. Even though my house and my room are very clean I like to organize and clean things because it’s how I relieve stress. It’s a very weird thing about me but I can stay up until 2 a.m. and not realize it because I love to be so organized!

Trinity’s Favorites

Pro athlete: Carli Lloyd

Pro team: USA Women’s Soccer

College team: Pitt State, of course!

Movie: 16 Candles

TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy

Band/Musician: I love and listen to all different types of music such as rock, rap, pop, and country.

Pregame meal/snack: Any type of pasta the night before and homemade protein balls the day of.

Class/subject: AP Biology- it is a high level college class that pushes me to work and think more complex and prepare me for college. I am going into the science field so it is a very interesting class that I enjoy going to.

Teacher and why: I have so many to choose from because I have learned a bunch from them and they have rubbed off so much good in my life, but I am forever a Quinncredible!