Vohs has sights set on success with Lindenwood shotgun sports

Louisburg senior Konnor Vohs recently signed his letter of intent to join the shotgun sports team at Lindenwood University. Seated next to Konnor are his parents Cassi and Kevin Vohs. Standing (from left) is his sister Ellie and brother Mylo.

For the last seven years, Konnor Vohs has been aiming for that one opportunity.

Competition after competition only fueled Vohs’ fire to be able to take that one shot – a chance at participating in college athletics. However, he isn’t participating in your normal college sport.

Vohs has spent several years working toward the opportunity to take up shooting in college and he found the perfect spot to do it.

Last month, Vohs signed his letter of intent to participate in shotgun sports at Lindenwood University. 

“Shooting sports is definitely something a little different than what most people think of as a college sport,” Vohs said. “Since the day I found out it would help pay for college, I was really hooked. I’ve worked for the past 7 years to get where I am now so that I can receive a scholarship to shoot.”

Needing to make a decision in a short amount of time, Vohs took a few visits to schools in the spring and he had a few options. However, the choice was an obvious one for him.

“Originally, I was looking at others schools and didn’t have Lindenwood on my radar,” Vohs said. “Then some things changed and I got a chance to go out and visit. The campus was very nice and the people there were super friendly. The team pays for everything shooting related, which is a huge help towards yearly personal expenses. All around it was the best fit and it is close to home.”

Shooting competitions have been a big part of Vohs’ life the last few years and has an array of awards to show for it.

In the high school league he competes in, Vohs’ team won a skeet state championship and he tied for first. In national leagues, the Louisburg senior has won a Missouri and Kansas state championship in FITASC.

Vohs has also been on a national championship trap team and placed in the top 10 in AIM events in different disciplines.

“I have been doing shooting competition for 7 years,” Vohs said. “I started shooting shotguns when 22 rifle ammo became too expensive. We had plenty of reloading supplies for shotguns, so we switched to that. My first competition was a charity shoot called Shoot for the Cure, which is ran by my uncle Ken Seltzer. I shot well for my age then and was asked to join the Kansas City Crushers, which I am still a part of today.”

Now Vohs will set his sights on the college level and he believes he hit the bullseye with Lindenwood.

“Lindenwood is going to be a place for me to focus on shooting and school,” Vohs said. “I don’t have to worry about three other sports during the year. I hope that the coaches can help improve my game so that I can be competitive in the national and world championships. Being competitive and consistent is the goal. The coaches are all about improving each individual which in all helps the team. They have great knowledge of the game and are encouraging.”