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York anxious to get back on sidelines as Wildcat girls soccer coach

Andy Brown / Louisburg Sports Zone

New Louisburg girls soccer coach Ben York is back to work with his new team this summer. York was the boys head coach for 13 seasons, before resigning seven years ago.

When Ben York stepped away as head coach of the Louisburg boys soccer team more than seven years ago, he always had in the back of his mind that he truly wasn’t finished.

York, who coached the Wildcat boys for 13 seasons as the program’s first head coach, has always enjoyed helping grow the game of soccer in Louisburg.

“When I stopped coaching all those years ago, I did so, not because I didn’t enjoying anymore, but I did it because I wanted to spend more time with my family and my kids who are growing up,” York said. “I’ve always loved coaching and helping kids grow in the game. Whenever the time was right, I knew that I wanted to get back into coaching.”

That time is now for York.

After coaching the boys team for more than a decade, York will shift his focus to the girls soccer team as he was named the head coach after Kyle Conley resigned his post after seven years with the program.

“I am absolutely excited to coach and get to know these girls better,” York said. “It really kind of came out of nowhere as I wasn’t expecting Coach Conley to leave. A lot of things had to line up for me to be able to coach again, but I am at the point in my life where I can put my energy into coaching again.

“There is a lot of talent in this program and Coach Conley did a great job building it up. I just want to carry it on and do what I can to move it forward.”

York didn’t waste any time getting to know the new group as he helped run the team camp back in June and is already conducting practices throughout the summer.

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“It has been wonderful getting to know the girls, some of whom I was familiar with already, but they have been very welcoming and respectful to me,” York said. “Losing a coach like Conley, that did a lot of wonderful things for the program, there could be girls who were hesitant about the change. But they have treated me so well and I have enjoyed my time with them.

“They are coming off a tough loss to end their season and they are already out here trying to get better for next year and I love to see that. They were very attentive to what I had to say and I think that says a lot about the quality of girls in this program.”

Although he spent 13 seasons as a boys coach, it will be first coaching a girls team and York realizes when it comes down to the game, there isn’t much difference.

“Honestly, as far as teaching goes, it really is about the same,” York said. “The cool thing I have noticed in working with the girls is they like to show up like 20-30 minutes early to workouts, visit for awhile and then get to practice. Whereas the boys would show up right on time, slip their shoes on and go. That is the main difference I see.

“We are going to be do doing the same type of drills and the teaching of the game is the same. I want to uphold the tradition that is already here and I think the girls are ready to do that. I am really excited to coach them.”

The foundation is set for the Wildcat girls program as they have two state runner-up finishes in seven years and made the state final four in four straight years before falling in the regional championship this  season in a 1-0 loss to Topeka-Hayden.

Louisburg will return many of those players next season and York is excited for what lies ahead.

“This group is very talented and there are a lot of athletes out there,” York said. “We are returning a lot of starters and girls that saw a lot of varsity time, so I know their expectations will be high. I know we will have our fair share of success.

“However I don’t judge a season based on wins or losses likes some people do. The thing I want to see is if we have made these kids better people on and off the field. I want to see them grow as players and represent Louisburg the best way possible. If we do that, some of those successes will follow.”

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