Louisburg girls cross country primed for another trip to state

Louisburg senior Emma Vohs will try for her third consecutive state medal this season as she is one of seven seniors on this year’s girls cross country team.

For the last six years, the Louisburg girls cross country team has ended its season as the Class 4A state meet in Wamego.

The Wildcats are primed to make it a seventh straight trip.

Louisburg returns most of its state team from a season ago, including four seniors in Emma Vohs, Lola Edwards, Maddy Rhamy and Erin Apple.

Add in fellow seniors Anna Poe, Maddie O’Keefe and Elizabeth George and the Wildcats feature an experienced roster.

“We do have an abundance of experience with the girls team,” Louisburg coach John Reece said. “We think the expectation of qualifying for state is always there. Because of our success in the past, the runners put pressure on themselves to continue to perform well come regionals and state.”

Vohs is one runner who has found a lot of success for the Wildcats. Vohs is a two-time state medalist, including a 10th place finish in 2022.

Rhamy and Edwards are also returning state medalists. Both runners medaled in 2020 and Rhamy medaled again in 2021, so the team has earned five state medals between them.

Louisburg senior Maddy Rhamy will try for her third state medal in four years as she helps lead the Wildcat girls team.

Four of those runners — Vohs, Rhamy, Edwards and Apple — were also a part of the Wildcats’ third place state team in 2020.

On the boys side, the Wildcats feature just one senior in Noah Cotter, who missed the state meet by one spot last season. Cotter will look to lead a young boys team along with junior Jerynce Brings Plenty.

Brings Plenty is coming off a pair of state medals last season in track, but missed most of his sophomore year in cross country due to an injury.

“The boys team is very young but very hard workers,” Reece said. “Jerynce and Noah have set a positive tone to start the season with their work ethic and leadership. Jerynce does look to build off of his track season and is looking to move up the leaderboard.”

Louisburg’s Noah Cotter is the lone Wildcat senior this year on the boys team and will try and earn a spot at the state meet this season.

As far as who will compete on the boys and girls varsity roster for the opening meet, Reece said there will be a lot of competition for those spots between now and the end of the year.

Reece is also believes there could be some freshmen that will impact the team as well.

“As far as varsity and junior varsity, it is always a work in progress/revolving door,” Reece said. “We will move runners up and down as needed, so that they can find success which will create a positive mindset. That will come in handy as we approach postseason. We also have a great freshman class and it will be exciting to watch them progress this year.”

Louisburg opens it season Thursday when it travels to Garnett for the Jerry Howarter Invitational. Races are set to begin at 3:30 p.m. with the middle school level.

The Wildcats will host their lone home competition on Oct. 5 at Lewis-Young Park.