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Forum on possible recreation commission to be held Sunday


In just five days, Louisburg residents will have an opportunity to pass a proposal that would allow the formation of a recreation commission in Louisburg.

The proposal on the ballot, will read, “Should the Louisburg Unified School District #416 and the City of Louisburg create a joint Recreation System, and levy one mill through the school district taxing authority, to provide for recreational needs of all ages, allow for a separate means by which to oversee recreational activities, and fund a number of current and future recreational functions within the Louisburg Unified School District 416 and the city of Louisburg.”

It seems clear enough, but certain voters want to know more specifics and how it will work. They will have the chance to ask all the questions they want Sunday as organizers are holding a forum discussing the possible recreation commission at 6 p.m. at Timbercreek Bar and Grill.

Louisburg resident Cindy Apple, one of the citizens who have spearheaded the proposal, will be on hand to answer questions and provide voters with all the information they need come Election Day.

“I hope to explain to the voters exactly how the rec commission will be organized, the need for it in the community and the possibilities that can come from it,” Apple said.

If approved, the money from the one mill increase would be used to hire a recreation director to help boost current programs and add new ones, along with maintaining and improving Louisburg’s current facilities.

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The director would then work with a recreation commission board that is comprised of an equal number of city council and school board members and one at-large member.

Although it will take a small tax increase for this program to work, Apple believes this would be the start of bigger and better things for Louisburg.

“The biggest point I hope to get across is the idea that our one mill can grow into so much,” Apple said. “We don’t have to increase it. I’ve heard a lot of ‘It’s one mill now, but then what?’ Well, first it will take the board to raise it and I doubt the members of the city and school board who will serve on the rec commission board are just going to raise the mills hap hazardly.

“Secondly, we need the entity more than the money. The money will help but what I mean is when we have the recognized entity, we can get more. There are so many intergenerational and health initiative grants that will not give grant money to volunteer organizations (like LARA and the Louisburg Soccer Club). So yes, one mill may not set us up to do everything, but it will give us the foundation we need to build and grow.”

For more information on what the recreation commission proposal is about, make sure to visit http://louisburgrec.simplesite.com/